Saturday, March 29, 2008

As Herman drove, he realized he couldn't see clearly at all. Why did I drink so much? he asked himself, thinking of the five tequila shots downed with several successive beers. He only had to drive home eight blocks, but it was beginning to feel like sixteen. As he continued to drive, he realized he had passed his house. Time to turn around, he thought. Hopefully I'll make it home. As he turned into someone's driveway, he noticed a blur of motion in front of his car.

When he got out, he realized he had run over a little girl. The smell of death was enough to make him retch, bend over, and begin to vomit.

(originally posted on just wanted some content, so I threw it up over here [haha "threw it up"])


Ebef said...

Lol at "threw it up".


Patrick Zagorski said...

holy crap hi ebef <3

Ebef said...

Haha. Not trying to be a stalker, I just have an account on here too. I just don't use it. :D

Kater said...

you posted this on my birthday. :D

ismellaschaffner said...
